• Batel
    October 20, 2023
    There's a difference in my writing now. I used to write "they" and "their" when referring to Israel...to the Hebrews. I've begun noticing a change in my natural language. I've been talking and writing like it was MY family who were Egyptian slaves, roamed the desert, and burst forth into the Promised Land, MY ancestors who walked beside the Pillar day and night, enjoying His shelter and Light.

    "They" has become "we." "Them" has become "us." "Their" has become "our." He rescued US from the death of sin. Yahweh shepherded US through the wilderness and spoke into OUR hearts from a mountain. Jesus shepherds us through our wildernesses and spoke into our hearts from a hill top.

    Truly, it has gotten through my head that, indeed, I'm adopted into the family -- not just church and my modern-day brethren there; Israel in the desert is my heritage now, too.

    When I was little, I was God's girl. We were precious to each other. Then, I ran from Him. Since coming back to Him, it wasn't the same. That intimacy just wasn't that intense anymore. I longed for it...for Him, for that preciousness again. I prayed. I cried internally. But, I didn't know what to do besides read the Bible and pray. Even then, I was going through the words; I wasn't drawn to His Word. I didn't sit at His feet and drink as I did. My hunger for Him used to be insatiable. I would go along to golf with my folks, but I'd pull out a pocket New Testament and get lost in it instead of golfing.

    Then, in 2019, Samuel suggested we observe the new moon and God's festivals. I've always been pretty tame in my outward display of faith. Like my earthly father and his parents, I've been the stoic type, so I didn't know about this "partying" stuff. ((chuckle)) But, we were gathering with our brothers and sisters on Sabbath after church anyway. Some of them turned that into times of joy and celebration. So, "for God, let's do it," I thought.

    It was all very new and tame at first, then I started "getting it" just a little. Then, Feast of Tabernacles came around again. I'll describe that in more detail on our new blog site, but one of those nights on the deck, it was like He came down and sat on the edge of my mattress. I saw and heard and smelled His creation in such a tremendously new way that I whispered to Him, "Father, thank You. I want to learn at Your feet again. Would You be my Teacher? Would You bring me into Your classroom again? I'm in Your house now. I need more of You, please."

    And, as I have been going to the Bible, He is teaching me. As I dream, He teaches me. I'm seeing all sorts of awesome concepts in the Bible I never saw before. My appetite for His Word is intense. And, as I see Festival and marriage language in His Word, I'm changing. Those people in the Bible have come alive again, and they are my people. We have become family. As a nation, WE faltered. As a nation, He guided US. I'm adopted. I haven't become Jewish. I'm just back to being His precious and treasured little girl. He calls me by name. I'm His...forever.
  • Batel
    October 20, 2023
    "Any faith that must be supported by the evidence of the senses is not real faith." -- A.W. Tozer, "The Knowledge of the Holy"
  • Batel
    October 20, 2023
    "Being filled with the Spirit is simply this -- having my whole nature yielded to His power. When the whole soul is yielded to the Holy Spirit, God Himself will fill it." -- Andrew Murray, "Absolute Surrender"
  • Batel
    October 20, 2023
    "Don't bother to give God instructions; just report for duty." -- Corrie ten Boom
  • Batel
    October 17, 2023
    Faith Womack (How to Faith a Life) interviews Dr. Kelly Kapic, author of "You're Only Human." Take time to be still before God.

    "The beginning of prayer is silence." -- Mother Teresa

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