• Batel
    December 9, 2023
    Psalm 111 & 112 are 'alphabetical psalms,' according to the commentaries. Looking up what that is, I thought I'd try writing one. This is my 1st attempt:

    Always with me,
    Blessing me with Your Presence,
    Comforting me in momentary troubles,
    Delivering me even from unseen enemies.
    Every good gift comes from You, I know,
    For Your generousity is legendary.
    Great be Your name in all the Earth,
    Held aloft for all to see as Sovereign and,
    Increasing in sweetness to those who seek You.
    Jesus -- an abundantly precious name,
    King of all Kings, with majestic integrity and,
    Love eternally flowing, bringing life.
    Mold me, Teacher, to walk in Your way,
    Never allowing my heart to harden and,
    Obstinately shun Your guiding staff.
    Please continue to share Your wisdom and insight,
    Quieting my doubts with Your Light and,
    Radiantly beaming Your joy through me,
    Splashing others with You so thickly,
    That they cannot help but be drawn to You,
    Understanding that You are unmistakably beckoning,
    Victory-bound into a rich future of rest,
    Wealthy in fellowship warmed by Your Presence.
    XOXOXOXO! :smile: :heart:
    Your daughter,
    Zealously waiting for her white rock name!
  • Batel
    December 9, 2023
    "When someone asks if you believe you're going to heaven, saying, 'I hope so,' isn't humble. It's arrogantly believing that it's resting on your works. And, if you respond, 'Yes, I'm certain,' it isn't arrogance; it's assurance -- based on the works of Jesus Christ." -- Burk Parsons
  • Batel
    December 9, 2023
    "LORD, deliver me from the urge to open my mouth when I should shut it. Give me the wisdom to keep silence where silence is wise. Remind me that not everything needs to be said, and that there are very few things that need to be said by me." -- Elisabeth Elliot
  • Batel
    December 9, 2023
    "Holiness is the habit of being of one mind with God, according as we find His mind described in Scripture. It is the habit of agreeing in God's judgment, hating what He hates, loving what He loves, and measuring everything in this world by the standard of His Word." -- Thomas Watson
  • Batel
    December 9, 2023
    "We will never appreciate Jesus' agonizing prayer in Gethsemane; we will never appreciate His sweating, as it were, great drops of blood, until we grasp in the depths of our beings that Jesus was staring at the wrath of God we deserve." -- Jerry Bridges.

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