• Batel
    December 13, 2023
    Back around 2017, a friend suggested I read "Boundaries" by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. I started reading it in 2021, and I'm not done yet. ((chuckle)) Yet, I'd still suggest it as a good read for any Christian, based on what I've read so far. At the time, I wrote about it in my journal, 02/14/21:

    I like this from p. 36:
    "We are responsible to others and for ourselves. 'Carry each other's burdens,' says Galatians 6:2, 'and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.' This verse shows our responsibility to one another.
    "Many times others have 'burdens' that are too big to bear. They do not have enough strength, resources, or knowledge to carry the load, and they need help. Denying ourselves to do for others what they cannot do for themselves is showing the sacrificial love of Christ. This is what Christ did for us. He did what we could not do for ourselves; He saved us. This is being responsible 'to.'"

    On page 37, it continues:
    "On the other hand, verse 5 says that 'each one should carry his own load.' Everyone has responsibilities that only he or she can carry. These things are our own particular 'load' that we need to take daily responsibility for and work out. No one can do certain things for us. We have to take ownership of certain aspects of life that are our own 'load.'"

    Burden = excess burdens; crushing boulder.
    Load = cargo; burden of daily toil.

    p. 37:
    "Problems arise when people act as if their 'boulders' are daily loads, and refuse help, or as if their 'daily loads' are boulders they shouldn't have to carry. The results of these two instances are either perpetual pain or irresponsibility."

    Boundaries are not walls.

    p. 39:
    "The Bible does not say that we are to be 'walled off' from others; in fact, it says that we are to be 'one' with them."

    The boundaries you have need to have gates to let in the good and force out the bad.

    p. 39-40:

    "The concept of boundaries comes from the very nature of God. God defines Himself as a distinct, separate Being, and He is responsible for Himself. He defines and takes responsibility for His personality by telling us what He thinks, feels, plans, allows, will not allow, likes, and dislikes."

    If you allow for that and accept in loved ones that they have all that, why do we not accept that God does?
  • Batel
    December 13, 2023
    "It is not having knowledge that will evidence you to be believers; the devil has knowledge, but lacks obedience -- and that makes him a devil." -- Thomas Watson (Body of Divinity)
  • Batel
    December 13, 2023
    "How can you expect to dwell with God forever if you so neglect and forsake him here?" -- Jonathan Edwards
  • Batel
    December 13, 2023
    "Often do I fall on my knees in an agony of doubt, and cry, 'LORD, make me sincere; if I be deceived, undeceive me.'" -- Charles H. Spurgeon
  • Batel
    December 9, 2023
    I came across this in my files. I think it was probably from "Happiness Magazine" decades ago. It was written by Lois H. Morgan from Mocksville, NC.

    I believe You laughed,
    As Mary bathed You,
    And Joseph tickled Your toes.
    I believe You giggled,
    As You and other children,
    Played Your childhood games.
    And, when You went,
    To the temple,
    And astounded the teachers,
    I believe You chuckled,
    As all children chuckle,
    When they stump adults.
    And surely there were,
    Moments of merriment,
    As You and Your disciples,
    Deepened Your relationship.
    And, as You and Mary,
    And Martha and Lazarus,
    Fellowshipped, mirth,
    Must have been mirrored,
    On your faces.
    I know You wept,
    And anguished. But,
    I believe You laughed, too.
    Create in me,
    The life of laughter.

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